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3 Reasons to Get Smart About Your Thermostat!

smart-thermostatThe thermostat on your wall may not be the biggest component of your HVAC system, but don’t let its small stature fool you. It is, without a doubt, one of the most important components. After all, it is this small thermostat that allows you to control your HVAC system to begin with? Let us ask you this, though. Are you controlling your HVAC system in the smartest way possible?

If you haven’t scheduled a smart thermostat installation in Chesterfield, MO, with our team, then the answer is no! We totally understand that a lot of folks like to keep things simple. There’s simple, and there’s outdated, though. Smart thermostats are more complex than basic models, but they’re intuitive, easy to use—and enormously beneficial.

What Makes a Smart Thermostat the Smart Choice?

Few of you reading this probably still have an old dial thermostat on the wall, but we’re willing to bet that a few of you do. Either that, or an old slide-controlled model. The issue with these thermostats is that they’re notoriously inaccurate. Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re comfortable in your home, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, and all that. Sure, but how often are you adjusting that thermostat. How often do you set it, feel uncomfortable, reset it, etc.?

Those dials and slides don’t allow for accurate control. It’s just that simple. If you are really opposed to the idea of using a smart thermosatt, you should at least upgrade to a digital thermostat. These have push-button controls, and even the most basic models these days will typically offer some level of programmability.

A smart thermostat takes all of that much farther, though. From their easy to read displays to their apps that allow you true remote control from your smart phone, they are really unparalleled when it comes to keeping your home comfortable. Many models even have “learning” abilities, meaning that they can learn your heating and cooling habits to adjust themselves automatically around your schedule.

The Benefits of Smart Thermostats

When you use a smart thermostat, you never worry about forgetting to make adjustments before leaving the house.

You never wonder, upon arrival at your destination, if you left the heater running too high.

You save energy, because even if you don’t reset the thermostat, you can do it from the phone or a computer, or it can just do it itself.

Peace of mind, security, energy savings—what’s not to love?

Work with a Professional

We’re not saying that a smart thermostat is right for everyone. However, we’ve found that they’re right for a lot more people than initially thought so! Keep in mind that no thermostat should be installed by a nonprofessional, though. That obviously includes smart models.

You’ll want to work with a professional that will help you to confirm compatibility between your system and smart technology, as well. If you’re thinking about replacing your old system with a brand new one, that’s a great time to upgrade your theromstat in the process!

Schedule your thermostat services with Fresh Air Heating & Cooling.

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