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Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cool Air?

cold-coupleFurnaces, like any other whole-house heating system, need to be sized, installed, and serviced by trained professionals. They are complex in that regard, but they’re also pretty straightforward in terms of actual operation. Basically, they generate heat, they use that heat to warm up air, and then they force that air throughout the house via ductwork in your home. See? Simple. You know what is even simpler, though?

Recognizing that a furnace that is blowing cool air is not a furnace that is functioning properly!

If your furnace seems to be struggling to distribute sufficiently warm air throughout your home, especially if it used to do so without trouble,  then you want to get in touch with a member of our team right away.  Chances are that you’ll need professional furnace repair in O’Fallon, MO, and we’re the pros that you’ll want on the case. Remember, cool air coming from a furnace can have a number of different potential causes.

The Worst Case Scenario: It’s Always Blown Cool Air

You may not even realize just how much your furnace is underperforming if it’s always blown cool air. Ignorance is bliss, right? Well, if your furnace has always done so, remember that this is actually kind of a worst case scenario. Why?

Because it’s probably not a problem that can really be “fixed”.

If your furnace has always blown cool air, then chances are that it is actually just too small for your home. You cannot really turbocharge an existing furnace to better handle your heating demand. If your furnace is just too small for the task at hand, you’re probably best off replacing it with an appropriately sized model.

You May Have Leaky Ductwork

A tricky matter in resolving problems like this is the fact that there are a lot of different components in your home heating system that could actually be to blame. In many cases, it’s not really the furnace itself that’s the problem. It’s the heat distribution system.

If you have leaky ductwork, then you may be leaking heated air out into areas of the home where it’s not needed, like in between walls or above ceilings. That will drive down efficiency and result in higher bills for lower comfort levels! Plus, those leaks can allow pollutants into the system, meaning that you may wind up with reduced indoor air quality, too.

Heat Generation Problems

You may be dealing with a fuel delivery problem if you use a natural gas furnace. Use an electric furnace? Your heating element may need a good cleaning. Ultimately, it really is necessary to get in there and look around if you really want to know for certain what’s behind the problem. The good news is that our technicians are some of the finest in the industry. They’ll diagnose any problem accurately and they’ll resolve it completely. Count on us to get your furnace back on track so that you can live in the comfort that you deserve.

Schedule your furnace services with Fresh Air Heating & Cooling.

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