Your HVAC system is important to the overall comfort of your home in St. Louis, MO. If you notice any of the following signs, you should schedule an HVAC repair right away:
Higher Energy Bills
If your HVAC system isn’t operating as efficiently as it should, you’ll notice inconsistent temperatures around your home and higher energy bills. Change the filter to see if that rectifies the issue. If it doesn’t, you’ll need a professional’s expertise to find and fix it.
Strange Noises
If you’re hearing odd noises coming from your HVAC system, it means there’s an issue with a moving part or another component. You should address this immediately to avoid a breakdown. In many cases, a simple repair that involves the replacement of one part or component will resolve the problem. Ignoring it will lead to costlier repairs.
Moisture Around the Unit
If you find moisture around the HVAC system, there could be an issue with a refrigerant leak. Bear in mind that some moisture is normal. However, excessive moisture could be a sign that there’s an issue that needs addressing. You should never try to repair a refrigerant leak on your own. For the best results, hire a trained professional.
Thermostat Isn’t Working
If the thermostat isn’t working properly, your HVAC system won’t heat or cool your home properly. Before scheduling an HVAC repair, change the batteries and double-check the settings. If that doesn’t rectify the issue, seek professional guidance.
Airflow Isn’t Even in Different Rooms
If you’re not getting the ideal airflow to certain parts of your home, it could be caused by several reasons. Your system could have a collapsed duct or some sort of blockage. A trained technician can inspect the system and detect the issue.
Is your HVAC system not operating as it should? To schedule an HVAC repair, contact Fresh Air Heating & Cooling today. We’ll restore your comfort right away.
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