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3 Signs You Need IAQ Solutions in Fenton, MO

Need IAQ Solutions

No home can be comfortable — or even fit to live in — if its air carries loads of pollutants. In certain cases, the indoor air quality situation may become so abysmal and even dangerous that you’ll need to take immediate and drastic action to set things right. Here’s how Fenton, MO, residents know when their homes need IAQ solutions:

Respiratory Disease Symptoms

If you suddenly begin experiencing respiratory disease symptoms such as coughing, sneezing or shortness of breath, you may have a serious IAQ issue at home. Of course, these very same symptoms could just as easily all be due to your having indeed contracted some sort of respiratory disease. To discover whether you’re truly sick or your home simply has terrible IAQ, take careful note of what happens to your symptoms once you leave home.

If your symptoms continue even though you’re in another setting and enough time has passed to acclimate you to that new place, chances are good that you’re actually sick. However, if your symptoms appear to clear almost immediately after you depart from home, you should at least become suspicious that you have an IAQ issue. At that point, you ought to begin thinking about buying some air filtration devices or at least changing out your HVAC system’s filters.

Allergy Symptoms

Another thing to watch out for is the sudden onset of allergy symptoms. These may include symptoms like watery eyes, an itchy or sore throat and nasal congestion. Poor IAQ is even more likely to be the cause of these symptoms if you don’t have allergies or if you experience them outside of the normal allergy season.

Trouble Sleeping

Bacteria, dust and other toxic pollutants and gases in your air can and often will disturb your sleep. While many things can cause poor sleep quality, if you find yourself mysteriously unable to enjoy a full night’s rest and no other explanation for this phenomenon leaps to your mind, poor IAQ may be to blame.

While none of the above signs unambiguously point to poor IAQ in your home, cumulatively, they can be distressing. For help clearing the air in your Fenton, MO, home, just call Fresh Air Heating & Cooling to ask for our indoor air quality services.

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