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Set Your AC Up for Success

AC-Tech-OutdoorsThere is a lot going on in the world today, and our daily lives have been disrupted in many ways. Certain things will remain constant regardless of what’s happening out there, though. The need to live in a comfortable, safe environment, for instance, is not a need that any homeowner is going to compromise on. That’s why now is the time to ensure that your home cooling system is ready for the season that lies ahead. Don’t overlook this necessity!

Air conditioning systems have only grown more efficient, effective, and reliable as time’s gone on. That does not mean that you can hedge your bets on an AC  functioning properly if you do not set it up for success, though. In today’s post, we are going to review a few different ways in which you can achieve this goal. As always, be sure to schedule your AC services in Chesterfield, MO, for a job done right the first time, every time.

Clear the Surrounding Area

This may sound like it’s just a matter of convenience for us, and to an extent it is. If you are able to keep a clean, unobstructed area surrounding your outdoor AC unit, then it is going to be easier for our technicians to access the unit. That means getting there and getting the job done quicker, restoring your comfort as soon as possible. However, accessibility is not the only consideration here.

There is also the matter of protecting your equipment itself. Should airflow be obstructed due to a cluttered surrounding area, or if items like tree branches are allowed to fall into the fan on top of the unit, you are going to wind up potentially damaging your air conditioning system. This spring, get out there, trim things back, rake things up, and get your AC ready for the season!

Change Your Air Filter

During air conditioning maintenance (spoiler alert) your air filter is going to be changed. That alone is not enough to get it through the season, though. Typically these filters are going to need to be changed every 1 – 3 months. The best way to get a handle on the condition of your filter is to actually pull it out at least monthly, and just give it a quick once over. If it looks dirty, then go ahead and swap it out.

This isn’t really a matter of protecting indoor air quality, but rather of protecting your system itself. If there is too much airflow resistance in your system, then your system will cost too much to run and it could even overheat. Be sure to ask us any filter questions that you may have. Once you know what you’re doing, it’s incredibly simple.

Schedule Air Conditioning Maintenance

This is the big one. There is no way that you can hope for your system to function as effectively, efficiently, and reliably as possible if you don’t schedule annual maintenance. There is really not much to add there. Take advantage of our maintenance program to make it easier than ever!

Schedule your AC services with Fresh Air Heating & Cooling.

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