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Give Your Heater a Helping Hand

hand drawing check box on a white backgroundYour heater is the foundation of your home comfort during winter. Are you doing everything it takes to make sure that you’re getting the right heating service? We’re not talking about any type of heavy legwork, but we are talking about some specific services that are going to help improve your home comfort.

We specialize in heating in St. Charles, MO. We know what it’s like to be here because we’re local professionals. This means that we can handle any heating problem that you might have. First though, we’d like to hip you to some great tips that can help you get better heating this season.

Tips That Change Your Heating Experience

Here are some heating tips that can change the game in your home:

1.      Turn It Down

The best thing you can do for your home’s heater is to turn down your home’s thermostat a little. No really! We know that your home gets quite cold in St. Charles, but we’d bet that your overdoing it a little when it comes to choosing a thermostat temperature on your heater.

When you’re cold, the chief thing on your mind is probably getting warm. That doesn’t mean that you need to crank your thermostat up to a high temperature. We’d suggest choosing a mild temperature and just waiting. You can use a blanket or two while you’re waiting for things to heat up. Your home and heater will thank you for it.

2.      Wrap Up

There’s nothing wrong with throwing on an extra layer! Make sure that you’re keeping your head and feet warm. You lose most of your body heat from these places. You might even want to get yourself a nice sweater to lounge in too. It will help you put less strain on your heater.

3.      Seal It

If you notice that you’re struggling with your home’s insulation, you’re going to need to insulate your home. You shouldn’t be experiencing drafts at your windows, underneath your doors, or from your garage. If you are, then you should absolutely schedule an appointment with our professionals.

4.      Let In Some Light

Let it some sunlight during the brightest points of the day. Natural light naturally and gradually heats up your home. This means you’ll turn to your heater less often, put less strain on your heater, and save yourself a good amount of money too.

5.      Move Some Furniture Around

If you’ve moved your home’s furniture throughout the year, it might be time for you to take a closer assessment of this. It’s easy to move furniture around during a time of year like fall where you’re using your heater a lot less. The thing about this, though, is that you can move a large piece of furniture right in front of your vents. If you leave this piece of furniture here, you’re really going to hurt the heating power of your home. We’ll help you get it right.

Contact Fresh Air Heating & Cooling for your home’s heater services.

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