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Don’t Forget Spring HVAC Maintenance In Clayton, MO

HVAC Maintenance

If you’re like most people in Clayton, MO, you’re probably wondering if your HVAC system has the capability of meeting your summer cooling needs. Since summer isn’t far away, now’s the best time for spring HVAC maintenance. Below are five benefits an HVAC tuneup provides your air conditioning system.

Better Indoor Air Quality

One thing regular HVAC maintenance includes is a filter cleaning or change. Your HVAC air filter traps dust, pollen and other particulates that contaminate your indoor air quality. During peak cooling season, it’s best to change or clean your air filter every month.

HVAC Reliability

During peak demand in the summer months, you rely on your HVAC system to keep you comfortable. A regular maintenance tuneup ensures that your HVAC system won’t quit when you need it most.

Increased Efficiency

When your HVAC system operates with decreased efficiency, it works harder by using more power and raises your utility bills. Conversely, when your system has increased efficiency, it uses less power to operate and reduces wear and tear on it.

Longer HVAC Service Life

On average, the typical service life for an HVAC system is between 10 and 15 years. Without regular maintenance, you can only expect your system to last half that. On the other hand, your system might last up to 20 years with maintenance, which means you don’t have to replace it sooner than needed.

Warranty Stays Valid

Your warranty protects you if your HVAC system breaks down or malfunctions due to a manufacturing fault. These warranties last for about 10 years, but it’s imperative that you do what you can to protect the warranty by ensuring it receives routine maintenance by professionals.

Don’t let your HVAC system quit working on you this summer. Instead, contact Fresh Air Heating & Cooling today to schedule an appointment to have one of our knowledgeable service technicians provide you with the maintenance your system needs.

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