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5 Ways to Boost Air Conditioning Efficiency

money-in-grassOur cooling season can run pretty late into the year around here. If you’re feeling a bit fatigued after another brutally hot and humid summer season—just imagine how your air conditioner feels! Of course, it’s not always just the heat that can get us a little hot under the collar during the cooling season. Excessively high cooling costs can do that, as well!

That’s why we want to talk about some ways to keep your air conditioner efficient today. The St. Charles, MO HVAC pros on our team know what it’s like to be on the wrong end of a high bill. Their goal isn’t just to keep you comfortable. It’s to keep you comfortable without breaking the bank in the process! Keep these tips in mind, and reach out with any questions or concerns.

1. Change Your Air Filter

We tell homeowners this all of the time. And we will never stop reminding them. Why? Because it’s so simple, it’s so important, and it’s so often overlooked! It really is straightforward. The harder that your air conditioner has to work in order to cool your home, the more energy it is going to use to do so. More energy means more money. More airflow resistance means more energy. All of that means more cost to you! So keep that filter fresh. They’re cheap, and they’re easy to replace.

2. Upgrade Your Thermostat

Sometimes folks get suspicious when they start hearing about “tips for boosting efficiency.” They think someone’s going to try to sell them on a brand new HVAC system or something. While a brand new system can certainly gain you some added efficiency, simply upgrading your thermostat can be a major step in the right direction! By using a programmable or a smart thermostat, you can start cooling your home in a more efficient manner.  It’s more convenient, and you’ll be able to live more comfortably, too!

3. Use Your Ceiling Fans!

Some folks have ceiling fans in their homes, and they fail to realize that they’re not just there for decoration. Do ceiling fans actively cool the air? No, they don’t. But they do really help to circulate cooled air around the house. Just make sure you’ve got yours on the summer setting. They should be going counterclockwise in the summer. In the winter, reverse them to help force heat back down into the living space. You just need to flip the switch on the fan itself.

4. Consider Your Replacement Carefully

If you are thinking about replacing your air conditioning system, you definitely don’t want to rush that decision. There are systems that will help to boost efficiency, if the time has come for a replacement. A ductless mini-split, for instance, eliminates the risk of energy loss through duct leaks. How? By eliminating the need for ducts entirely! You can also use your ductless mini split as an incredibly efficient heater during the winter months, as they use heat pump technology.

5. Schedule Routine Maintenance

There is no getting around this. You won’t get the most efficient performance possible from your AC if it is not properly maintained. Be sure to work with a member of our team and enroll in our maintenance program.

Schedule your AC services with Fresh Air Heating & Cooling.

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